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EfeX Positivity Matters, Week 1: Positivity Matters, Day 4: Wilma Rudolph Chooses Positivity!

Writer: Ani Ani

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

Author: Ani.

Editor: David Thomas M. Ed (TESOL), Learning & Curriculum Trainer @EfeX Center

Hi, I’m Hannah. Let me tell you a true story about Wilma Rudolph, born four and a half months premature but miraculously she survived.

Wilma suffered double pneumonia, scarlet fever, and polio virus. Doctors said she would never walk normally, but Wilma’s mother taught her that the Bible said, “Nothing is impossible if you have faith”. Wilma positively and diligently developed her muscles.

At 13, Wilma desired to become a runner! She came last in every race but stayed determined.

In college, the athletics coach liked her positive spirit and decided to train her.

In 1960 Wilma became the first American woman to win three Olympic gold medals! Her faith and positivity triumphed over all difficulties.

Choose positivity – the winning attitude!

See you tomorrow for A MINUTE of POSITIVITY with EfeX!

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